If you feel school glue will not secure the stones to the cardstock you can use a hot glue gun (teacher only). Now children can carefully glue their stones to the forefront of the picture making a triangular shape.

Above the river students can color a sky. Instruct students to glue the paper onto their cardstock. Instruct the kids to cut a wide strip of green for grass and a wide strip of blue for the river. Give children a sheet of green and blue construction paper. Chief among those living near the river is the prophet Ezekiel, who was taken captive. At least four water sources, arising at the foothills of Mount Hermon, come together to form the Jordan River. Chebar, located in Babylonia, was one of the main locations where the Babylonian Empire forced Kingdom of Judah captives to live. Students can dab the stones with a small amount of brown paint to make them more realistic. The river Chebar is only mentioned, by name, in the book of Ezekiel. Give each student a good bit of air dry clay and instruct them to create 12 small, flat stones to resemble the stones used as memorial stones in the story.
River bible free#
Note: This free craft is also available as a downloadable PDF. This event marked the beginning of the conquest of the Promised Land through God’s power and leadership, so it was appropriate to remember the occasion with a stone memorial.

This fun mural craft will help remind kids of how God stopped the Jordan River so the children of Israel could cross as well as the important memorial stones they set in place. God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers.Fun Ways to Teach How the Bible is Organized.Fun Ways to Memorize the Books of the Bible.Understanding How the Bible Is Organized.